Shred or dead Kickstarter video

I put together a bunch of wacky images to go along with the audio of me explaining the key points of the Shred or Dead kickstarter campaign.

You might recognize that I've lazily stolen a lot of those illustrations for the website. It's basically the same as recycling. I'm saving the earth.

Documentary Sucks

I created some illustrations for my creative partner Spencer Holt's documentary film Documentary Sucks. Spencer edited them together to make them wiggle around.

The Cornies, 22-23

I created the illustrations for (and provided my Oscar-worthy voice talents for) an animation clip that was meant to evoke an old European knock-off, bootleg animation style. This was for an awards show for a club I'm in where we watch bad movies.

Btw, I also created and perform the Puppet host. I'm an adult man.